Just a few neat questions, with my answers. :-) Feel free to answer them yourself in the comment section.
What would you do if you were certain that nobody would judge your choices?Live in an tent. I would bathe in rivers, swim in springs, observe nature daily and nightly. I went camping recently and had to live in a tent for four days, and it was such a freeing experience. All materialistic things were not even in my mind. I got to spend quality time with people I love, worship my Maker all day and night, sit by campfires enjoying music from our own mouths, and just have an overwhelming feeling of joy fill my body and soul. It made me realize how materialistic the world has become, and quickly we have forgotten the "free beauty" all around us. No, it is not a PERFECT lifestyle...there are insects, and extreme temperatures, and storms! But, I made it through all of that and still preferred that lifestyle. If no one would judge or criticize me, I guarantee you my boys and I would be living at a campground from April to October every year. Seriously.
What are your three "nevers" in life?1. Never talk MORE than you listen.
2. Never betray someones trust.
3. Never allow your faith to be shaken, or be persuaded to "bend" on certain standpoints in your beliefs.
Which is a stronger emotion: anger or love?I am definitely gonna have to go with love. I have been on both sides of this coin, and I can say with 100% certainty that love is much stronger.
When I get angry I will fly off the handle, no doubt about it. Especially if I am angry because my boys were wronged in some way or another. However, once the anger has passed, and the situation is in a better place, your mind will let go of those memories over time. I can't even begin to name all the things I have been angry about.
Love is a different story, I can tell you ever time my heart has been broken. When you fall in love, you are in a completely vulnerable state (unless you are not loving whole-heartily). That vulnerability will cause so much more pain! Every time I have been hurt by love, it leaves scars that never fully go away. I also can't forget the pain that love caused, but I can slowly forget anger.
If you look at love and anger in a different light, I still believe love is stronger...
When I love, I love with every fiber of my being. When I give my heart, it is in it's entirety. Loving another is the best gift you can give another person. My "love" towards others will always outweigh anger. I can love my son with everything in me, and I can be angry at him with everything in me....but honestly, the love will always be stronger.
I think a lot of my opinions on this have to do with my faith. God says to love your neighbors as yourself, and to love and obey your spouse, ans to love your children, etc.... Love is very important to God. And if you can't love others as HE loves US, how can you expect joy in your life?
The Bible also speaks about anger, and how we should control it. We should turn the other cheek, forgive those who trespass against us, etc... Instead of rising up in anger, we should try to turn that emotion into love. I said TRY, I know it is hard.
Would you give your life to save someone else's?I can look at this question from two standpoints, physically and spiritually.
Physically speaking I would say yes I could easily give my life to save my boys' lives. I think that ANY mother would be able to say the same, it is our instinct. And since we have such strong maternal instinct, we want to protect others. So if I were caught in the middle of some disaster with my family of friends, I may jump in to help, I don't think I could run or sit and watch, even if it meant losing my life.
Spiritually speaking the answer is YES. No questions asked. If my life could be used to save even ONE could from eternal damnation, then dying would totally be worth it. I want to see everyone saved, and sometimes people need a dramatic sign (like death) from God to change their lives. I would hope that all Bible believing Christians are with me on this!
Can you describe your life with a six word sentence?Confessed my sins, will live eternally.
What is the difference between living and existing?I think this question is super easy. :)
Existing is just doing the bare minimum in life...waking up, eating, bathing, etc... You really have no goals, or beliefs, and you are just waiting for you time here to be up.
Living is...well, LIVING! Going about and beyond the daily life routines. Making sure you enjoy your time with others, tucking your kids in at night, praying, setting goals, having a walk with God, watching the clouds pass by in the sky, being grateful for small things, smiling, making sure you do everything you want to do....no regrets!
Are you aware that someone has it worse than you?Always. I say this to my boys all the time. It is so easy to sink into self pity when the world seems to continuously crash down around you, but you have to keep your head held high. When money troubles get to me, I think of homeless people, or people with no food or clothing. I am blessed with what I have. When I get upset about my cancer, I think of the parents that will watch their toddler die from the disease this month. I am thankful I am not living in a hospital like so many others. When I get depressed about restructuring my life as a single parent, I think about the nurse that told me her husband left her after 30 years of marriage, for a YOUNG woman. She had never worked, and she never saw it coming. I am thankful mine was only 10 years, I cannot imagine 30...I am blessed.
Time or money?Time.
Money buys you trouble and gets you into sin.
Time will get you more evening with your children, more sunrises, more of everything that truly matters.
Okay y'all, remember, you are more than welcome to post your answers to these questions in my comment box! I'd love to see what you all have to say! :-)