Friday, July 31, 2009

Good news :)

Samuel is still doing so much better. I am so happy, words cannot describe how happy. I am telling you what, that C Diff stuff is super-duper scary. God has blessed Samuel tremendously. :-)

I am not saying that Samuel doesn't have a long road of healing ahead, he absolutely does. But showing progress this quickly after the diagnosis is just short of miraculous. The docs told me to wait about a week before I saw any improvement, especially because of the severity of the disease in his body. I started seeing improvement in TWO DAYS. How could anyone not believe that God heals those who ask. Samuel asked...he asked for the pain to stop and the sickness to be gone...and he is on the road to healthy.

I know this is a lot of blogs about C Diff, but most of you will never understand how this effected my baby and our family. I was terrified for him.

That has pretty much consumed our lives until now. Samuel should be fine sleeping tonight, HALLELUJAH! That means I will get some sleep. Samuel did have an emotional moment tonight when he realized that he could not go to Isaac's birthday party at the mini-golf place tonight. :-( Aside from the fact that he IS NOT well enough to do that yet, C Diff can also be contagious. So I said absolutely not, he was heartbroken. I think he just wanted to see his friends from school.

Michael is at Justin's apartment tonight, they are going to CP tomorrow. I already miss him, I hope he has fun...he has been cooped up for a while now because of Samuel's health issues. He has been an amazing help to me...while I was cleaning, he was making lunch for everyone...when I couldn't get to Samuel, he did. We have both been working around the clock, we were partners in crime this week. Er, partners in FIGHTING crime. ;-)

Okay, I am gonna give you all a teaser to my next is called, "THE LETTER." I have been wanting to blog about it for about a week, but have been too busy talking about Samuel. But it will be up tomorrow, that is promise. Isn't the suspense killing you?? LOL 8-)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another night another dream..

Another (sleepless) night, another dream. Well, I don't know that for sure yet, I shouldn't be so negative. Samuel is doing better, and I am SO VERY GRATEFUL. We may just get some sleep tonight. We shall see.

I have been very emotional lately, and I know that is because of no sleep and a very sick child. I am also angry, angry that the doctors gave my son an antibiotic to kill strep but caused a disease that is ten times worse. I am full of many emotions. On top of that, Samuel is constantly fighting with me.

When Samuel can finally eat a little something he assumes he is 100% better. So he wants to go and do, but obviously that is unrealistic. So he argues with me. But, we only argue for a few minutes before he starts crying because he doesn't feel good. In a way that makes me the winner, right?!

My mom, Steve, and even Michael have really had to step up to the plate to help me. But that is what families do, they help each other out through tough times, and they are always there. I have the greatest family that is so full of love. I have said it before and I will say it again, I would be lost without them.

Okay, that is enough talking for one night. I gotta shower, switch laundry, write in my journal, and go to bed.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Samuel Update :-(

This is Samuel last night. He slept in my bed and got up every 15-30 minutes all night long. He had severe diarrhea and nausea. When he was in the bed sleeping he was kicking his legs and groaning in pain. This pic is one of his rare peaceful moments last night...

Okay, after that long night of pain I KNEW Samuel had to go back to the doctor today. But before I get into that, let me catch you up on how this transpired.

About a month ago, Samuel went to the ER and tested positive for Strep. After 10 days of Amox he was still very sickly. I took him back to the ER and low and behold, he tested positive again. So the ER gave him Clindamyacin (sp?). That is when everything went wrong.

I BEGGED for Augmentin, since I know it works for Samuel. The doc insisted on the Clin, saying it was powerful and would kick it for good. About three days into the meds he started getting severe belly pain. So I took him off. Yeah yeah yeah, I know you aren't supposed to do that...but I am so glad I did now.

Two days after I took him off he got the worse diarrhea he has ever had. At that point he weighed 98 pounds. He would go to the bathroom two times every hour. I rushed him to the ER and they ran IVs for dehydration, and also took blood and stool samples. Other that the dehydration the labs were good. The doc said he probably caught a virus.

So I waited and I waited and I waited. I continued to watch him get worse. I got more aggarvated by the day.

Then last night he came in here in so much pain, he begged to sleep in my bed. Throughout the night he tossed and turned and moaned. It was the worse thing ever. Watching you child go through such a horrific pain is heartbreaking. I couldn't sleep all night. By this time he had red and black blood in his stool. I knew this was no virus.

I ended up calling his doc in the middle of the night to ask what I could give him to relieve some of the pain...he said Imodium. I had no idea how wrong that answer would be.

At 8:30 am when his doc's office opened I called for an appointment. They got me in at 11:30, Samuel cried and said he could not wait that long. :-( But we had to.

When we got there I told the doc the story from beginning to end....and almost immediately she said he had C Diff. Of course, I had never heard of this, so I had to get schooled in it. She thinks his first stool sample at the ER had a false negative. She said that Clin is notorious for causing C Diff in older patients. It is rare in kids, but Samuel likes to be different.

After a two hour doc appointment, and thorough examination, and blood work, urinalysis, another stool sample, and bp checks....the doc said she would bet her life it is C Diff. He has EVERY symptom of it. Plus, he is now down to 88 pounds. Since the results to C Diff takes 3 days and he is rapidly losing weight, she started treatment now. I am so mad that anyone ever gave him an antibiotic that can cause such a painful, long-term, disease. I just want to slap stupid people. But, that is par for the course at Childrens I suppose!

Even though the doc knew what he had, she said he still looked so bad that she wanted him to go to the ER and have IVs run, because once again he was severely dehydrated. Both the ER and the doc couldn't decide on whether or not to keep him overnight, I am just so thankful we got to go home.

Samuel has been trying to drink faithfully, but it causes him a great deal of pain. But I must say, he is being very brave, because pain that horrific is not easy to deal with. :-(

Here is a pic of him in the ER with his IVs...

Also, for those of you who are clueless about C Diff, as I are a few links to somewhat fill you in on the disease...

C DIFF Link 1

C DIFF Link 2


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quirky Pets

I often have the conversation with people about my pets. I firmly believe that all animals have emotions and can communicate WELL! I love the ASPCA and I hate PETA. I believe animals should be kept indoors. I don't eat meat because of how strongly feel towards animals, the last animal I consumed was in 1995 in the form of a taco at Taco Bell. I talk to my animals as much as I talk to my kids. I love (LOVE!) Jane Goodall, and I love what she has done for animals. I wish everyone could feel as strongly about animals as I do.

Here are a few tidbits about my animals and their quirky, individualistic personalities (refer to pics on right to see who I am talking about)...

Lisa- She is slightly OCD. She chases shadows and lights until she can't breathe. She "talks" to me when I look her in the eye. And, she HAS to have a blankie in her mouth in order to fall asleep.

Lola- She is my dog/goat cross breed. She will eat the food you give her, the container it came in, and part of your hand. :) But when she stands on you and kiss her, she gets a "high" look in her eyes...she feels the love.

Wendall- He is the most "dog like" of all my dogs. He loves to dig holes and run in circles. But, Wendall has a crazy side...he freaks out over planes, hot air balloons, and random lights in the sky. We are 99% sure that he has been abducted by aliens at some point in his life.

Fred- He is my canine version of Samuel...he is my genius. This dog is smarter that almost all the humans I know. And, he is a hound, he can smell anything!! No matter how well you hide it!

Dwight- He was born a cat, but he wants to have a "species change." He hangs with my dogs, he acts like my dogs, he chews bones with my dogs. When he is not with the dogs he is on someones lap...drooling.

Callie- This is the most talkative cat I have ever seen in my life. She meows at everything she wants, everything that makes her mad, etc... She is also the most protective cat...she follows me everywhere...even in the shower. Oh, and she thinks that it is a fun game to go through the house knocking all the trashes down!

Fuzzy Britches- This cat reminds me of my biological father. He is lazy, lays around and only wants you when he has nothing better going for him. lol But, when he does want you, he is the sweetest boy you will ever know.

Blackie- He is my feline version of Michael...uber momma's boy. He HAS to sleep on my neck every single night. When I am busy with house stuff, he follows me waiting for me to sit down so he can bug me.

Sylvester- He is my ghost cat. He is still very skiddish around humans, but he is slowly coming around with me. We almost NEVER see him...I only see him after dark. He will come sniff my face when he thinks I am asleep, but if I dare touch him...HE RUNS OFF!!

Pepe- This is the only guinea pig I have ever met in my life that does not scurry away when you go to love him. He actually enjoys being held and kissed. But, like all pigs, he lives for his fresh veggies...he squeaks and squeals in delight while he is eating them.

Angel- She was the kitten that was still nursing at over 4 months old. Since her mom has passed, she has changed! She no longer has Momma to cling to, so she has turned into a rebellious teenager. She tears stuff up, she BEGS for food off of your plate, and she get ANGRY if you don't give her what she wants!!

I hope that this helps you to see how very different and very special EACH animal is. God made animals for us to enjoy, and I am so thankful for their company.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Farmtown Intervention.

This blog is dedicated to my friend Amber....or the girl I used to know as Amber. Sadly, she has been taken over by an addiction that she cannot control. It is now time for her family friends to step in and help her. Please join me in this fight to save Amber.

Amber is almost done with college. Unfortunately, she may not finish because of this addiction. It has become such an issue that she will leave class for a moment to get her "fix." She has even called my ten year old son asking him to help her with her addiction.

So friends, it is time that we all take a stand against Farmtown. Just listen to what it has done to my friend! This addiction doesn't know race, or ethnicity, or age...we are all susceptible to it. And I hate to see anyone fall into the Farmtown trap on Facebook.

My poor friend even talks about all the money she gets from her farm...but people, please understand, this is not actual cash that is being deposited into her bank account. That is how much this delusion has effected her mind.

I am ready to fight back!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Single Mom

Tonight I want to talk about the struggles of being a single mom.

Let me start off by saying this is the FIRST time in my life that I have EVER lived alone. I went from living with my mom, to Joel, to my mom, to Justin. Quite frankly, I was content with never living alone. But life is funny, and you don't always get to choose your path.

On May 1st 2009 I became a single mom, and let me just tell is not for the weak. I have tons of help from family and friends, but raising two tween boys alone is challenge. I welcome the challenge, but it isn't easy.

I feel a thousand times more exhausted than I EVER did. Aside from not having help with daily discipline and chores...I am not stuck with the daily pressures of making ALL household decisions on my own. I have to worry about finances on my own, and that was hard enough with two people. The stress is almost unbearable. But I continue to get up and do it all over again everyday for my two miracle babies.

It has been exceptionally hard over the last few weeks because Samuel was VERY sick. We have been back and forth to the ER, we have had IVs run, and I had to do it all alone. I know that there are thousands of single moms that do this same thing everyday, and continue to prove just how strong women can be.

I believe that my boys will grow up and see the strength that I had through all of this and it will just make our relationship closer. In fact, that is already the case with Samuel. Michael has become clingy, VERY CLINGY, but we haven't had the deep conversations that Samuel and I have on a daily basis.

I just want to treat everyday as another opportunity to set an example for my kids. When they grow up I want them to be AMAZING parents, and I want them to learn how to do that from an amazing example. No matter how tired or frustrated I may get. ;-)


Friday, July 24, 2009

I'll miss you sweet girl.

In January, my mom let a stray, pregnant cat stay in her garage. It is bitter cold in the winter in Northeast place for a mom to give birth. On February 24th she gave birth to 6 kittens in the warmth of my mom's garage that was covered in blankets and space heaters.

The kitten were getting older everyday, and we were worried about finding homes for them. We don't trust ANYONE with animals.

As it turned to Spring, and then Summer, the garage was getting unbearable. My mom needed to so something quickly. She could not let them in her house because she has some aggressive dogs.

After Justin left me, I decided that I would let the crew stay here. My mom agreed to continue buying all of their food and litter. You will never understand Momma's relief when she and her kittens had a nice home to stay in. I fell in love with them all quickly. But Momma was always special, she was a stray, and had lived a life that those kittens would never see.

As I got to know her I noticed that things weren't right. She was pulling hair out, groaning in pain, had trouble getting comfortable, and started losing weight rapidly. I am almost positive she had feline leukemia...we lost a cat to that when I was 12 and she suffered from the same symptoms. Momma was also turning yellow, so I think her liver was failing too. :-( It killed me, I knew I was gonna have to let her go, and I didn't think it was fair that she didn't get more time with me. :-(

This afternoon at 2pm we took her into the vet and had her euthanized. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Letting go of an animal NEVER gets easier! I miss her so much, I just hope that she is happy and pain free now.

Here are some of her moments during the short time we had her...


Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Hectic House

Still caring for a sick child. :-( I am so exhausted that I don't even really wanna blog tonight. I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow at all...we are putting one of our cats to sleep and that is gonna mess me up big time. I cry thinking about it. And, Samuel's doc is supposed to call in the morning with results to his stool sample, and hopefully we will have some answers. Right now that poor child is living on anti-diarrheal. Lovely time in Hollie's house. Of course, I wouldn't trade this day to day stuff for the world, no matter how hard it is. I love my kids and I love my pets more than words can explain.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hump Day.

How did we get the term "hump day?" It sounds dirty. ;-) Like Michael Scott should be sayin, "That's what she said!"

Anywho, today has been okay. Samuel left to the Kalahari with his friend Zac...they have been planning this for months now. Samuel has already called once and told me that he LOVES the Kalahari and LOVES the water roller coaster and LOVES the miniature golf and LOVE etc.. etc.. etc... I am just glad he is having a good time. I am sure I will get an ear full when he gets home tomorrow.

Michael had his friend Allison over today, she brought her older sister Brianna. Actually, Brianna is Samuel's age, but he wasn't home today, so she chilled with Michael and Allison. Both girls said they are coming over again tomorrow, which of course, Michael is SOOOO pumped about. :-) I just got home from dropping the three of them off at VBS.

Speaking of VBS, wow, the kiddos are really loving this one. They go on and on about it every night. They still have two more night of it, and then the awards ceremony on Sunday. It has been a super fun week for them.

Okay, I gotta go fix my dryer. More of that super fun stuff that us single moms do!! Jealous?


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

School stress.

Well, I am nervously awaiting the start of Samuel and Michael's 2009/10 school year next month. I still have no clue what I am gonna do for tuition. I just have to believe that it will work out, I know God put them in that school for a reason.

I haven't talked with the boys about this yet, no need to worry them yet. They are great kids, and they don't deserve to have their world's flipped upside anymore. They both feel so unstable as it is, I am trying to keep everything normal in their lives. This single mom stuff is hard, and VERY stressful.

Samuel and Michael already have their school supplies list, and they are buying one item each time we go grocery shopping. They are trying so hard to keep the supplies cheap, if they only knew that school supplies is the least of our worries.

On another note...the boys are at VBS again tonight. This is the 3rd VBS for Samuel and the 4th for Michael. I am so thankful for summer VBS, it has been wonderful for my boys this year. They are learning so much, they are memorizing so much of the Bible, and they truly care about new converts. :-) I am so happy that they are there...even if it mean that I have to drive them to and fro every single night. I would do this everyday of their life if I thought it was what they needed.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Remembering Jordan

I cannot believe that is has already been a year since I got the horrific phone call. I was laying in bed on a Sunday morning, still asleep, when my mom called me a little before 7am. She was frantically crying and said, "Hollie are you awake, can you listen to me?" I said yes. She said, "Jordan was shot and killed last night."

I was numb, I just sat there holding the phone, I don't even remember saying goodbye to her, or hanging up, or anything.

Suddenly I began crying, and it didn't stop for a week. The last time I had seen my cousin was two months after Samuel was born. If I had only known then that I would never see him again...

Over the next 24 hours the details of what happened started to emerge. Jordan was going into a friends house and that friend was being robbed. Jordan and his friends tried to stop them, two of them were shot. Jordan died, the other kid survived. It was such an unnecessary killing...a tragedy that the family should have never faced.

Jordan's girlfriend was pregnant, and from what I have heard, he was so excited and he wanted that baby. She gave birth to a son a few months after his death, and named him after his daddy. I am so thankful that the family still has a piece of Jordan to remember him by. The look at little Jordy and can see Jordan everyday, what a blessing.

Karen and Andrew are still hurting so bad. What an empty feeling it must be to lose your son and brother. I am quite certain that Allie is hurting too...she knew Jordan intimately and gave birth to his son. These are just three of the hundreds of people that felt so lost when Jordan died. All of our hearts have a hole that might not ever be filled. I would wish pain like this on no one.

Goodbye Jordan.

(Pics of Andrew and Jordan with my brother and I, so long ago. We spent so much time together as children.)


Sunday, July 19, 2009

What a crazy life.

What an emotional week I have had. Wow. I have been planning on blogging about my emotional state of mind, but haven't really had the time. When I start to feel upset- I quickly make plans to keep busy, that way my kids are always fine. :] They have to come first, no matter what.

I have been doing really great over the last month, having more "ups" than "downs." When I get lonely, I am generally upset about not having the friendship/companionship that I am used to. It is no longer about missing Justin. I just miss having someone who is always there, and someone that I can tell all of my secrets to. I don't miss the physical at all. Only having an emotional connection. You know, love.

But quite frankly, I am glad that Justin told me a few weeks back that he wasn't capable of loving someone on a deep level, or at all...otherwise, I might still be hung up on him. I want someone with emotions, and who can love as deeply as I love...or I don't want anyone at all. Without love, you have nothing.

When I was married, I was living in a fantasy world. In my mind, there were "men," and then there was Justin. "Men" were scum, always looking for something better, always getting bored, always wanting to party over dedicating their lives to their families, always being put out by family obligations, etc.. And then, there was Justin. I felt like the world would never see another man like him. He seemed so dedicated to me and our family. He would go on and on about "our love." This went on right up until April 30th. Then I came home to that infamous note, and I knew that the world had no such thing as a perfect man.

Justin blamed me at first, and that crushed me. Most of you will never know the pain he put me through during this time. Then I got the infamous email from Kelly Allan, telling me that Justin was cheating. Justin said it wasn't physical, just emotional. He also told me that when he thought he could cheat on me, he knew he had to get out. He also said that "she" was acting all crazy and threatening to tell he tried to cut her off. Blah, blah, blah. Like I said, "men!"

Let's get something straight right now...cheating is cheating. Whether it is emotional or physical. It is all a desperate cry for attention, and that is disgusting. And doing ANYTHING while you are still married is disrespectful and pathetic. I would not even call Justin until my divorce was final from Joel, that is how strongly I feel about cheating. No one who truly cares about other people can do that to someone, no matter how mad you are at them.

That one line that he said drove me crazy. (When I knew I could cheat I had to get out.) When did we get to a point in our marriage that made cheating look so good? I spent many nights dwelling on it, but ultimately, I came to the conclusion that if he was okay with it after ten years, he would have been okay with it after ten days. That is either who you are, or it isn't. Once I had that epiphany, I was able to let it go. That was also when I realized that I wasn't missing Justin anymore, I was missing marriage.

Since the beginning I have been very honest about my emotions. I blog everything. I was receiving some VERY harsh comments and some VERY harsh emails. I let it go and let it go and let it go. I always wanted to take the high road, not the trailer trash one that many seem to be traveling on these days. I am assuming that these emails and comments were "threats" to quit blogging or talking or tweeting about Justin. Luckily, I have am AMAZING family member who can track anything on the computer (Justin knows this.)...and I now have names and addresses. Lucky me, huh?! :-) But, like I said, I'm on the high road here, so I have kept silent about this information.

Those of you who are not on the high road should really start to think about joining me up here. As it turns out, the air is a little better up here, not clouded with lies and deception.

And just a little note to you, you may think you KNOW someone, and you may KNOW they are different, and you may KNOW they are not deceiving you...but you ARE so wrong. And I am so sorry about that.

That's enough about you, back to me, this is my blog :] ...

Anyway, after the emotional week, I am finally feeling back on track. Once I dealt with the situation this week...and then really thought about where my emotions were directed...I started to feel better.

I am so thankful for boys who love me unconditionally, and I love them ten times more. I am thankful for my mom and Steve who are here EVERY time I need them, no questions asked. I am thankful to my other family (you know who you are), they have given me great advice and information. I am thankful to the dozens of friends who have held my hand every step of the way during the long, bumpy road. I love you all more than you will ever know. I will always be here, you can be sure of that. I will never turn on any of you, you mean the world to me. I know that God put EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU right in front of me for a reason. I am so grateful for that.

I love you all.


Samuel Update

I sat at the ER for SIX frickin hours today. That is practically the ENTIRE day. Grrr.

As most of you know, Samuel dx'ed with Strep about a month ago. He did 10 days of Amox and still didn't feel right. I took him back to the ER and he was still testing positive. They gave him 10 days of Clindimyacin (sp?). That seemed to help for a while, but not long.

On Thursday-ish he started whining on and off about his stomach hurting. I gave him Tylenol and Tagament which seemed to help.

Fast forward to Saturday night....he vomited around 9pm. I gave him another Tagament and he went to sleep. In the middle of the night I started hearing weird noises come from the boys' room.

If you know Samuel, then you know he is a hard core sleepwalker and talker. He has been known to turn off the house alarm and let the dogs out of their cages in his sleep. I always know what his normal sounds are...I am so used to them. But this sound was different.

I went in to check on him and he didn't look right. So, I moved him into my room so I could keep an eye on him during the night. I prayed over him while he slept and asked God to guide the doctors to heal his body from this sickness that has had a hold of him for too long now. Then I went to sleep.

Around 6am he woke up screaming with belly pain. That is when the diarrhea started. He got up every 30 minutes like clockwork to go to the bathroom. Finally, around 11am he said he needed to go to the doctor.

We loaded up and headed out to the ER. We could not even make it there without stopping to let him go to the bathroom. Once we got there, they saw how much he was going (he went 8 times while we were there). The doctor ordered blood work and stool samples to see why he was so sick. Those results will be back on Tuesday. In the meantime, she ran an IV to hydrate him. After the IVs were done, he started to show some improvement. That is when they released us, around 5:30ish.

Since we have been home he has eaten dinner and even had a few drinks. He seems to be handling it well right now. I was told to call the immunologist and get an appointment to do more thorough blood work.

Everyone just try to keep him in your prayers right now, I really want to see his little body back to normal. :-) The pic above is right after he got the IV put in....he was still in his clothes. He ended up having to change clothes three times, and even came home in hospital clothes. I just never got a pic of that.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

It was a POOPER day!

Once again I am too tired to blog anything of great significance. Anywho, I wanna share a quick story from today...

Mindy and I were at Cedar Point with all five kiddos. We were just walking along the path next to the Maverick when all of a sudden it felt like I had been sprayed. Mindy and Samuel started hysterically laughing, yelling that I had been pooped on by a bird. Right in my frickin hair. Grr.

While everyone was getting their jollies from this, I began to walk to the bathroom to try and clean up. About 15 steps away from the bathroom door...another bird pooped on my arm! I am so not even making this up. A couple walking pass me said, "I think 90% of it missed you." Of course, they weren't aware of my previous run in with the seagulls.

After I came out of the bathroom, the kids and Mindy could NOT control their laughter.

We decided to walk and get something to drink. We all sat down and I hear "SPLAT!" Look up, and about a foot away from me is another pile of bird poop. Of course, the uncontrollable laughter begins again. I am furious at this point.

About an hour or so later we decided to head home. About ten minutes into our ride the biggest pile of bird poop ever falls straight onto my windshield, and my eye level. I just stared at it and froze in disbelief. Mindy would not quick cracking bird poop jokes.

Then I get a text from my friend Kim who say, "I heard getting pooped on is good luck." (eye roll) To which I replied, "I got lucky twice today!"

Then, Samuel INSISTS on calling my mother to tell her...mostly because he thinks that she will appreciate this. He could barely tell her because he couldn't stop laughing. Then she says, "Sounds like she is having a sh!++y day." Yep, that is what she said.

So, there you have it. Just thought you'd all like to know, because eventually Mindy or Samuel WILL bring it up. I am sure of that.

By the way, I had a TON of great pics from today, but they are almost all on FB. Check them out if you are on my friends list. Here are a few that I wanna share with everyone...

Michael and Rachel's first time on the MP...

Michael pretending to pee...

Samuel pretending to drink his pee...


Friday, July 17, 2009

No wonder I am so tired...

Once again I am too worn out to blog about my thoughts. I is coming...Sunday at the latest. It will be novel by then. :-)

Here is why I am so tired...

A fun-filled boys day at Wildwater Kingdom...

Samuel, Michael, Zac, and Isaac on the Liquid Lightning...

The boys on the tube slides...

The boys applying sunscreen :)

The lazy river...

Underwater pics that the boys took themselves...

This duck had my rolling. He was weaving in and out of all the chairs, so cute...

These are pics from the VBS prize/fun day extravaganza!! Both of my boys came in first place for the sections. Samuel got a tether ball thingamajig. And Michael got a mystery bag!! They were both so excited.

Both boys with their prizes...

Mmmm...cotton candy...

These were the three bounce houses...

Michael went through his prize bag at least three times, maybe more...

My almost daughter, Hannah...

Daniel wants Samuel to be his big brother...


The hot air balloon flew over our VBS party :)
