Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally, an update!

Well, divorce proceedings have begun. Justin and I went to our first court hearing on September 11th. Let me just say, weird. Joel and I had a dissolution, so there was no court hearings like this. In fact, this is the first time I have ever been in a real court setting, and it was weird. Looks just like it does on TV.

I still have ups and downs emotionally. But I am doing so much better, and I thank God for that. I still take things day by day...and just remember to breathe. Both kids are doing better as well. Samuel has really thrown himself into one crazy, hectic schedule. Michael is in therapy at school, and a divorce support group...he loves it.

We found a new church! Yay! We are now attending Akron Baptist Temple ( This is the perfect church for us, a perfect mix of Baptist and Pentecostal. Basically, it is Baptist...come to life....or Pentecostal without all the craziness. Either way, it is exactly what I have always said I am...Bapti-costal. :-)

Samuel is LOVING his new youth group, Crossroads. They do a lot of fun events and camps, and right now they are having Gladiator Games on Wednesday. All this while learning about God's grace. Michael also loves his kids classes! Right now on Wednesday they are running a program called "Searching the Scriptures," which is so neat. Basically they follow a map of the old testament, and do this Bible treasure hunt in an archaeological theme. So cool. Oh, and they both had kids from their school in their classes.

I am in a Sunday School class called "Women In Crisis." So far it has been good, and I think it will be perfect for this time in my life. They also have a divorce group, but I chose the women's one for this session. On Wednesday nights I am a ladies small group where we are going through an intense study of Esther. I LOVE this class, it looks like it is gonna be interesting.

I do miss Harmony, I really did enjoy it. But ultimately I had to find a church that offered more stuff geared for my boys. I also needed more small group options. But, Harmony is a good church, don't get me wrong.

Another perk to ABT is....drum roll mom and Steve are gonna start going with us. Yay. I am really looking forward to it. Now if I could just get my friend Mindy to go!!

Just a little reminder to all of you....Tuesday is my 29th birfday!! <:o)~ And while I am at it....Happy Birfday to Wendy, Pam, and anyone else with birfday's this week!!

Yea, we are besties...

My boyfriend...jealous?

Samuel and his, ahem, woman....

Michael and Wendall....



  1. I am so glad you love ABT!! And just wanted to let you know, at my church we have 2 programs, Divorce Care and Divorce Care 4 Kids. I teach the program for kids. It's a Christian based program that runs for 13 weeks. We have a fall session and a spring session. It's a really amazing program. I did the adult Divorce Care when I was going through my divorce and I owe my life to that class. It helped heal me from the inside out. It was truly amazing. If you have any questions about anything you can always email me. I have alot of great reference material for chidlren going through divorce.

  2. Heeeyyyyy! Aren't we just the birfday girls??!!! Funny, we're both the same age (lolololol)! Hope you have a GREAT one!!!! Wanna borrow my Tiara? Luv U guys!

  3. Hollie,
    You better not say anything about me in your blog, or i will tell!! yes i will.... I will TELLLLLL... cause you are being mean and i dont like it.. not one wittle bit... oooooohhhhh i am TEEEEELLLLIIIINNNNNN....... i will telllll oh yes i will.... hahaha some "people" are freakin losers!!! what are we in the first grade... maybe you should get put in time out!!!! haha i am a freakin comedian

  4. Good luck on your horrible move you have to endure. You just remember that you are great and you did nothing wrong. Its not your fault you met Hitler's cousin. You will find an amazing person one of these days that will rock your world and will actually be GOOD to you, and your kids will probably welcome a kind young guy that will be there for them, if that day ever comes. You are in my prayers!
