Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give thanks, with a grateful heart.

Okay, those are just some random photos, mostly of Samuel's 6th grade luncheon. Didn't he look hot? My baby is growing up so fast. I also added a few pics (courtesy of Pam Ruflin, thanks friend) of Michael's first chess tourney. The other one is just a silly pic of me and my guys at home. to the real blog stuff now...

I have received a lot of emails asking me how court went, it got rescheduled. Justin's attorney did not show up, so now we go back on December 31st. Sorry I have not answered all of your emails personally, I am still not back to my old self, and there was nothing really to I thought it could wait. I know you all understand.

I am almost 2 weeks back on my meds and just now starting to get some relief. It has also really hit about the INCOMPLETES that I had to take this semester :-( due to the health problems. I am still not sure I can even go next semester. I guess that will be something for the surgeon and I to decide on December 31st. Even though I am upset that I have missed so much schooling (and even stuff at the kids' school), I am grateful that I am feeling a little better. Baby steps.

I have a Christmas shindig that I am going to on December 11th, I hope that I can actually make it. I love getting all dolled up, but only time will tell if that is realistic for me. I also get wear my pretty clothes to the Christmas play at church on December 20th...and I have heard it is amazing. I guess the drama team is going all out. You are all invited to come, check out the church website at

I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow, I only have one kid, but that is okay. I will have both kiddos on Christmas. :-) I have a lot to be thankful for, so here is some of my list, I could go on for days...


*my salvation.

*the two wonderful boys that God has entrusted me with.

*my parents that go above and beyond what I need or ask of them.

*my relationship with Mindy and my brother being repaired.

*God showing me why my marriage ended, and giving me peace.

*my animals, I know that God uses them to help me through my cancer stuff.

*a roof over my head and food in my kitchen, so many people do not have that.

*the kids being able to attend LCCS, every month when I think I am going to have to take them out, God helps me find a way to pay for another month.

*finding a church home that believe the Bible the same way I do, and they are not judgmental, or gossipy, and they continually uplift me.

*having friends that I can call on when I need to talk.

*my medical problems, because I know God has a plan for my life and He is using me.

*having a car to drive.

*having lots of pillows and blankets to keep me warm at night.

*my freedom.

*the gifts that God has blessed me with.

*uplifting, Godly music.

*103.3, that always helps me through bad days.

*second hand shops and thrift stores, if it wasn't for them, we would not have clothes.

*clean water to drink. Sounds so simple, but I am thankful when I have clean water, not all areas of the world have that luxury.

*books, not just readers, but also The Good Book.

*the internet and cell phones, so I can stay in contact with friends and family that I have not seen in years.

I could seriously go on all night long, God has given me so much. When life gets me down, and I feel like I am sinking, I think of how many people in this world that have it so much worse than me.

There are people that will be sitting alone tomorrow with no food, there are children that will be happy to get served a meal at a shelter with parents, there are children that know this will be there last Thanksgiving as they enjoy whatever the hospital has prepared for them, there will be nursing homes full of people that are just hoping to get a call from family members but it probably won't come, there will be parents that are telling their families why they are thankful for the last time because they have just a short time left on earth, there are families so caught up in the gluttony of it all that they forget to even sit back and be thankful for what they do have.

I keep singing this one song over and over again...and the one line that pops out and makes me want to cry is...

Give thanks, with a grateful heart
Give thanks, to the Holy One
Give thanks, because He's given Jesus Christ
His Son


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