I am writing this blog from my heart, and my personal convictions. I am not looking to start anything, so please, no negative comments. This is just my opinion, and I thought I'd share it.
When my kids were younger I homeschooled them, and they were intelligent, well behaved, properly socialized children. Their state standardized test scored were well above national averages. They had deep relationships with God. And, my boys were all well socialized, I made sure of it. I hate that argument anyway, please don't get me started.
After pressure from everyone around me, and my kids pushing for it, I allowed them to go to public school. Biggest regret of my life. In the third grade kids were talking about sex, how their teachers had sex, they were cussing, and mocking God. My kids slowly became brats that I could not stand. They were lying to me, which they had never done before, and they were "embarrassed" of their Christianity. This was all a shock to me. I could tell that my kids did not want to be a part of that world, but they were stuck at this point.
I KNOW, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God does not want His children being influenced by those worldly views for 8 hours of their day. Would Jesus send His child to public school, I highly doubt it. A place where we cannot even mention His name.
After two years in public school, I felt so blessed when my kids got accepted into a top rated Christian school. I was finally at peace with sending them to school. Now, private school does not mean you are without problems, kids are still kids, but it is managed better. The biggest selling point for me was that everything was Christ centered. The children prayed before the day started, they prayed when there was a need, and they studied God's perfect word.
Christian schools are nice, especially if you can find a good one. However, they are unbelievably expensive. We were barely scraping by when I was still with Justin. Once he left us, I slowly began to drown in school debt. So I started thinking, would Jesus want me to pay every dime I have to tuition, and let the rest of my bills go unpaid? I doubt that.
Eventually, God took it out of my hands anyway. Samuel was diagnosed with some more heart issues, and he was getting chronic illnesses when he was around other icky kids for 8 hours a day. He was missing so much school, I was forced to pull him out this year, and homeschool. I left Michael at the private school, but that proved to be too much as well. I know it was God's had forcing my decision, which is fine, since I want to raise those boys according to His perfect plan for them. After the 3rd quarter, Michael too joined our homeschooling team.
The world is our classroom. Doesn't that just sound beautiful. My kids now learn from worldly experiences, as well as text books. We try to make everything a learning experience. Plus the kids are keeping up with their extracurriculars, like music, theater, and computer class. It is amazing what one on one teaching will do for a child. And in all reality, I am raising those boys with the conviction that God has placed in my heart, I believe that is the way He always wanted it. God does not allow us to borrow his children to let someone else raise them, He chose each parent specially, and I feel beyond blessed to be Samuel and Michael's mother. :)
As far as the social issues go, my kids have so many friends. We have "play dates" at least 3 times a week, plus they have church, and their extracurriculars where they see friends. That is all I am defending myself there, because this notion that homeschooling means sheltered aggravates me.
Some verses that will prick your heart about homeschooling...
Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
And my favorites...
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.Next year my kids will not be homeschooled, at least not technically. They are enrolled in a virtual academy (k12.com) that gives each child individual education plans based on where they are at academically. Samuel will start 8th grade and Michael will start 4th. This particular school has projects that they get in the mail and must complete and send back, they offer all of the typical classes for high school and middle school, they offer field trips for the kids to meet up and play with each other, and they have a teacher that they can call or email at any time. Plus they have to actually meet with other kids to take the yearly state standardized tests, which I think is awesome!
In my opinion, this is the nest of both worlds. My children are getting a "typical" education by state standards, while hearing about God's love at home. My kids will also have more freedom to me involved in even more activities next year. Michael has really become interested in drama and the arts, so I am supporting that as much as possible. I hope to keep him with an acting group year round. Samuel has shown a great interest in programming and learning computer skills, which I think is great. My brother is currently teaching him that stuff, he owns his own business, and is in college right now...they let him CLEP/test out of almost two years of stuff because he has life experience in his field. How great would that be for Samuel? :) As far as physical activity goes, Samuel is planning on fencing, and Michael will probably choose swimming. They can both go into the actual workout area with me when they are 12. Yay!
Again, I am not looking for comments or opinions or anything. I am simply sharing what God has laid on my heart. I felt this conviction before my children where even born, which is amazing since I was only 17. But, slowly, I allowed everyone else to pressure me, and talk me into something I was uncomfortable with. I am grateful that God forced things to turn out this way, of course, I probably should have just obeyed the first time. It was almost like I was saying, "Yeah God, that sounds great, but did you hear so and so's opinions on public school? Sounds pretty good to me." God just simply allowed me to learn my own lesson, and I did.
I am finally comfortable again. :-)