Thursday, March 19, 2009

Changing Things

Yesterday was a horrific day, after I got the cancer news I came home to a dead lizard, which broke Samuel and Michael's hearts. Death's sting was all around us yesterday. There is no comparing human life to an animal, but it does help kids grasp the idea of death. This is starting to sound morbid, let's change things...

Crying uncontrollably, not wanting to talk to anyone, etc... was my way of dealing with all of the horrible situations that were surrounding us. I am someone who can fall into a depression very easily, so I try to make conscience efforts to stay in reality. When you fall into a depression you lose touch with the world. Wow, now it doesn't sound morbid, it sounds sad...let's change things again...

Once I had made up my mind to quit crying, I went outside to play with my dogs. There is no greater therapy than playing with an animal that loves you unconditionally. I pulled out the hose to squirt Lisa, she LOVES the hose and she went insane when she saw me turn it on. Before I knew it the boys had run outside to play with us, I held them hostage in the grass with the hose. I told them, "That is what you get for coming out without permission, now you must get wet!" The starting laughing hysterically, a child's laugh is infectious.

Before I knew, I was laughing, and we were having fun in the yard. The dogs were soaked, the kids were drenched, and I was having too much fun with that hose. As it turns out, playing in the yard for an hour was all the therapy I needed to appreciate life.

Don't let time get away from you, spend as much time as you can with your family... just laughing and joking in the backyard is all it takes. :-)

I want to comment on the three pictures that I am posting with this...

1. The sun yesterday, it was eerily beautiful...that photo could tell yesterdays story with no words at all.

2. Michael's photo, he wouldn't look at the camera, I think he was still dealing with the shock of learning about the death of a friend. You can see love that Michael has for everyone and everything in that picture.

3. Samuel's photo, he looked at me, I was sitting below him, and I couldn't believe how old and mature he I snapped the picture. I feel like my baby is grown, and yesterday I saw him with new eyes.


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