Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Let's talk adoption.

Hello Friends- I am here to fill everyone in on our adoption, if they don't already know. I know right, FINALLY!

About 2 years ago Justin and I decided we wanted to adopt, so we called around about it. NOAS in Warren was the most helpful, so we did a weekend crash course to finish all of our pre-adoption classes. We did these classed less than one week after deciding to adopt. If you have every tried to foster or adopt you know that there are tons of mandatory classes that families must take.

Once our classes were finished we started the homestudy process. This is when a case worker comes over to visit and interview your family- usually about 3 or 4 times. We also had to get background checks and fire inspections during this time. MAN, it is a lot of work to adopt.

Justin and I decided that we wanted school aged boys, and they had to be close in age to Samuel and Michael- but not older than Samuel. Other than that we only had one rule, the child(ren) could not be animal aggressive, I love my animals too much and I am not even willing to go there.

Once our homestudy was done we started looking at the kiddos on AdoptOhio, we would submit our homestudy for any of the kiddos that matched our criteria. We did say no to two different boys shortly after we were approved by the state, because of animal aggression and some religious problems. It wasn't hard saying no, we are bringing a new child into this family, I want someone who will adjust well to the dynamics of our home.

In January, we were approached about a little guy named Nathan. He is a doll. At first, we were just gonna provide respite (I think that is what it's called) for the family. Basically we would just help to relieve some of their stress by watching Nathan occasionally. We were totally fine with that, no skin off my back.

By the beginning of February we were talking adoption. Of course our family was elated, we have waited so long for this. As of today, we have had 3 visits and one overnight with Nathan and he has been very well behaved. He is truly a great little kid.

There have been a few weird things happen that make me think he is the one. First of all, he treats Samuel and Michael like he has known them his entire life. He loved playing at our house, and even loves the dogs...he didn't mind my animals at all- this shocked me. He jokingly calls me and Justin "mom and dad" when he is with us, how freaky weird is that? The private school that my boys attend is working with me to get him into that school next year if he is living with us by then. All these things make me think it is meant to be. And I am one of those people...IF IT'S MEANT TO BE, IT'LL BE!

I don't know if the family has started the adoption disruption, I will find out tomorrow. We have a meeting with all of the case workers and Nathan's family, and of course, us! It should be good, my case worker is good about laying everything out on the table at those meetings. I got lucky, let me tell you, not all case workers are created equal.

Now every one has the "Reader's Digest" version of our adoption story. I promise to keep you updated on all the ins and outs of it! :)


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