Friday, March 20, 2009

Unhappily Unhealthy

My plethora of health problems annoys me to no end. I am just trying not to lose my mind this semester, I feel like I am SLAMMED with school work...with all that stress you KNOW something else had to go wrong. You know - WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS. I love whoever said that, so true.

I have had this sore spot on my head for as long as I can remember, it has been there a minimum of 3 years. I scratch it every now and again, no biggie, just probably eczema...I have severe eczema. The other night I scratched it and pulled my hand- COVERED IN BLOOD. How freakin gross is that nastiness!??!?!!?

I had Justin wash it, then cut the hair so we could see it. He said, "I dunno Hollie, it looks bad, you have a bunch of small red spots (about the size of a half dollar)." So, I had him take a picture for me, I needed to see what was going on. It did look gross, but I laughed it off at first.

I called my mom and told her, she freaked. She said she wanted me to make an appt. with a dermatologist to make sure it isn't basal or squamous cell carcinoma. Both are no big deal at all, not compared to what I have been through anyway. BUT, I am freaking out about them removing ANYTHING on my head and/or cutting more of my hair off. Like the small bald spot isn't bad enough. Justin was like, "Don't worry honey, we can be bald together!" Wow, those are definitely words of comfort. (insert dramatic eye roll here)

I just thought everyone would like to know what I have to look forward to on Monday. I know, I know, I all WISH you could be me! :o)~ Hopefully the dermatologist won't even wanna remove it...HOPEFULLY!

Here is a pic of the grossness...

You can click all pics to make them bigger.


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