Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Par for the course.

I am sure most of you know by now that I have been super sick, which is why I haven't blogged in forever. Well, I am still super sick, but I am having a brief good moment, so I thought I would blog.

Samuel is still improving, but at a slow pace. He is still only up to 90 pounds, he needs to get back to 98 pounds. He gained 2 pounds back in a week, and has had the hardest time gaining more than that. His energy level is still down, but again, he is slowly getting better about that too. We also saw his Immunologist who ran a plethora of tests...we get those back in two weeks. If they come back bad (as we suspect) he will have to get shots. Samuel will also have to see a GI doc soon. I am sure he will just love that.

We have had a few meetings at LCCS, and prayer with the elementary and secondary principals...and here is what we have decided what to do about his schooling...

Samuel was stressing out about leaving his friends and getting picked on by older kids. The school was worried that older kids would pressure him into things he wouldn't normally do. Even if it was a simple as "being to cool to care about school." However, after speaking with Samuel, and his teachers, and reviewing test scores...he is way above kids that are his age. His IQ is way out in space somewhere, and he gets bored with his work in school. Both principals agreed that Samuel is not your "typical" case by any means. The decision that we finally came to was...Samuel would stay in a 6th grade classroom, with peers his age, so he could continue with the relationships he has already built. BUT...he will do 7th grade work. :-) The only thing that we aren't sure about is orchestra...they want to fit him into the middle school orchestra...but we aren't sure if we can work it into his schedule. Also, his 6th grade teacher will be able to advance all subjects except for math...he has to walk down to the 7th grade halls for math. They are also giving him the option of taking tests early in the week if he already knows the material...this will help prevent boredom, and keep him loving school. Boredom has always been my biggest fear, but LCCS has done a phenomenal job working this out with me, and Samuel will get tokeep his friends. And the tuition won't go up since it will still be considered "elementary."

Speaking of tuition, I still don't have any. First payment is due Monday and I am still scratching my head as to how I'm gonna get it. We shall see. If God wants them at LCCS he will provide a way. If not, I can accept that too. :-)

Michael and I both have Strep right now. The doc called me today about how fast my culture grew...she was like, "DO NOT MISS AN ANTIBIOTIC DOSE!!" I feel like crap, so lethargic. I am also running a fever, which is no fun. And, battling nausea. And my throat is covered in pus (see pic at bottom). Michael is not really dealing with any of the hardcore Strep symptoms, and the doc suspects he doesn't respond in a typical fashion because he is a carrier.

On another note, we had the most beautiful storms (see pics at bottom)lately. It looks so gorgeous outside that I just had to pull myself out of bed and go snap a few photos, I didn't want to miss the opportunity. However, it wasn't that simple. During the storms my computer tower went out. My computer genius brother thinks the lightning caused it, once he confirms it we will file a home owner's insurance claim. I feel like I am living in the stone age without my computer right now...and I start a full KSU workload in 2 weeks...ALL ONLINE. That is just par for the course I'm playing, huh??

Okay, I am starting to feel sick, I can't type anymore. Hopefully I can add to my blog world tomorrow.

Enjoy the pics...

Samuel playing Gameboy in bed...wishing he felt well enough to go swimming...

Michael not wanting his picture taken because he felt sick...

Tired Lola...

Look at how this rain was falling, it seemed like it was moving in slow motion, you can click the pic to enlarge it...

The beautiful leaves covered in rain drops...

The sun through the trees...

Okay, here it is ;), my throat...yes, it is blurry, but do you know how hard it is to get a pic of your throat?!?!?! But, I was so shocked when I saw it I had to get a pic. You all know how I capture EVERY moment of our lives. :) So here it is...you should be able to see all the white goo everywhere...


1 comment:

  1. I hope you sterilized your camera when you were done with the picture. lol I hope you feel better soon. I miss your tweets!
