Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beyond Happiness :)

In the last year I lost...

*my home.
*my husband.
*my income.
*5 of my dogs.
*my trust.
*my kitten.
*my guinea pig.
*my best friend.
*my belief that there are good men.
*my new furnace (we can't use it, and ins. won't cover it).

I have been fighting cancer, been diagnosed with lung problems, trying to fight through severe back pain...I have discovered that Michael has a "suspicious nodule" on his thyroid, I learned that Samuel is living with a Right Bundle Branch Block and a Tri-Cuspid Leak...I received word from my granddaddy that he is fighting Melanoma. We are currently trying to keep our home, but the bank really wants to take it back. I keep doing for others, but continue to get stabbed in the back.

I could go on for days about what has happened to me in a years time, but I don't want to talk about that anymore. Let's face it, bad things happen to everyone, if they didn't- we would never learn. I feel like I have learned A LOT this year!!

Through all of the storms, I still have a smile on my face, and a lot to be thankful for!

In the past year I have...

*become much closer with my boys.
*gained a close relationship with Sam & Kathleen, and the kiddos.
*experienced true love from my mom and dad.
*been lucky enough to live in a house full of family, where it never gets lonely.
*built up friendships to levels that I never thought they would reach.
*learned how to let others help me.
*been blessed by God, every single time there is a need!
*accepted cancer as a part of my life, and I know someone is being touched by my story.
*learned what TRUE forgiveness is.
*become Hollie, a girl that I have never known until now.
*been smiling more.
*really enjoyed the small things in life.
*learned how to confront a problem, in a Godly way.
*decided that I want to have a worth that is "far above rubies."
*taken lemons and made lemonade!
*realized that home is not a structure, it is where the heart is.

I have also become so much closer in my walk with God...I know that my granddaddy with Melanoma is saved (which mean everything to me)...I found a church home that I am so thankful for...I have prayed to become the mother that God wants me to be, and I believe I am doing that everyday. I have laid on the fresh cut grass and enjoyed God's beautiful world, I have and listened to the wind whip, I have gone bike riding while making a joyful noise to God, I have watched animals work with their tiny hands, I have prayed over my children as they sleep, I have received freshly picked wild flowers from my boys, I have enjoyed God's creation in every way possible.

Again, this list is sooo long, you just got the Reader's Digest version. :)

I feel like you can choose happiness, or you can choose sadness- but wither one is a CHOICE. I choose to be happy. If you read the list above you can see all the ways that God has blessed me, what right would I have to not be happy? The true test is, can you be happy when all the bad stuff is happening? I can honestly say YES. I have reached a point in my life, and in my faith, when something bad happens I simply say, "I'm not gonna worry about this, God has a plan." You would be amazed how much your mood will change if you say that out loud every time you hit a bump in the road.

I suppose I have chatted enough for one night! I hope that you all read this and it makes you smile...and you share that smile with others around you. Remember, SMILES ARE CONTAGIOUS!







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