Friday, May 7, 2010

Now I'm angry!

Normally I do not let new stories get to me, it is like I care, but it does not effect me. You know? And sometimes, if you think about a story too long, it will start to become personal to you, or at least that is the case with me.

Anywho, I feel PERSONALLY effected by this news story...THE OIL SPILL. This spil is bound to hit my hometown (Destin,FL) any day now, and that infuriates me. I have seen God's beauty in the Gulf of Mexico, I have swam with dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico, I spent half of my childhood in the Gulf of Mexico! I cannot even imagine what the oil looks like in person, I am sure I would lose my mind crying.

My dad was a fisherman (still is), and I have been out on countless fishing trips, way out in the "deep sea." I love the childhood memories from those boating trips, and all the time I spent swimming in that beautiful water.

Now the government is placing bans on fishing and shrimping...and I believe with all of my heart that BP should be FORCED to pay every single fisherman that is without work right now. If you know fishing, then you know you only make money when you go out. My heart goes out to the countless men that are without work for who knows how long. It is a sad state of affairs.

And...and...AND...I do not even want to think about the poor sea life. :'( Their home is being destroyed more and more each minute. Way to go BP, congrats on all of this horrific damage!!

I can't talk about it anymore.


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