Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just Stuff.

Today was another amazing day, PRAISE GOD! I absolutely love church days!! We got to sing MIGHTY TO SAVE today and that is my current favorite song. :-) Gives me chills. Here is the video, please listen to it, and really absorb the lyrics...

Amazing right?!?!

Okay, just wanted to do a little "life update" blog...

Things have been getting so much better here, I just cannot say it enough. We have (as a family) really learned how lean on God, pray together, and walk the walk together. It is so encouraging having the entire family lift you up everyday....and it is a blessing to be able to lift them up. Though I am human, and by birth a sinner, I serve a God that forgives me for EVERYTHING I do, and loves me, and blesses my life. It is an amazing journey that I am on, and I pray that all of you who are not on it will join me.

May is a busy month for us here...we finish up schooling, my divorce will be final, Michael will have his first theatrical performances, we have Relay fundraising to do, etc... I am hoping to keep everyone caught up through the blog, but I may get too overwhelmed, we shall see.

Here are the boys RELAY videos that they wrote themselves, if you are able to spread the word or even donate...GREAT!! Either way, please watch these two RENDONKULOUSLY adorable videos....

Not a whole lot of other stuff is going on. I do want to ask that all of my believer friends will pray for my divorce to go smoothly on May 21st. We have to go to trial on one issue, and I just want to remain calm, instead of becoming a blubbering idiot! (What can I say, I am an emotional girl!) Please pray for the entire day, not just the trial...I am sure it will be a heavy day for me. The divorce will be final as I walk out of the court room, and even though I am VERY happy ;) with my life now, I am still saying goodbye to 10 is not gonna be easy.

On another note-

If you have anything you want to ask me, feel free to on FORMSPRING! It is a neat site where you can ask me completely anonymous questions that I choose to, or not to, answer. Nothing is off limits, but I have had a few questions that I chose to delete...for different reasons. Well here it is...


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