Monday, April 27, 2009

10 types of people that I hate...

I have been around college kids and parents for too long now.

1. People who talk and don't listen.

2. People who don't shower daily. Or brush their teeth daily.

3. People who don't understand dry or sarcastic humor.

4. Overly sensitive people, as in, you can't joke with them.

5. People with double standards. I can do this, but you can't.

6. People with no brain. You can tell them over and over again, but they never REALLY understand anything.

7. People who abuse or neglect children, elderly, or animals.

8. People in politics, you never know if they are telling the truth.

9. People who don't know the first thing about life, but believe that they have it all figured out.

10. Parents.


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