Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Maniac Michael

Today I had to go with my mom to get her bone scan and x-rays done. While we were waiting for the dye to run through her, we went shopping. Now, even though my mom and I already gave Michael his birthday gifts we couldn't resist buying more. When Michael got home from school I told him not to go in my room, I didn't want him to see the gifts.

Michael was so excited...like a five year old waiting for Santa on Christmas morning. Michael is almost nine years old and he still gets that excited when he is gonna receive gifts. It is so cute, and a little disturbing. ;-)

I took Samuel in the room to show him the gifts, that is when everything went down hill...

Michael lost it, begging me not to show Samuel. When Samuel and I went back in the room that Michael was in - uh hum - he was - uhh - under the desk hiding/crying. :-( I felt bad, but he is getting too old to be acting that ridiculous.

He finally pulled out of, but he is BEGGING me to have the gifts now. Can you believe that? So crazy! This child is grown....that is like Justin acting this way. Insane.


1 comment:

  1. Sweetie, I have news for you, He is only 8. No matter how grown you think he is, he is still only a child. I totally understand what you are talking about because I didnt let Talon have his way and he started to cry. I couldnt believe it! He is 11 and is crying because he wasnt getting his way! All I could think of is... SERIOUSLY!!!!You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! He acts so grown up that it is easy to forget that he is only a child. OK, So What is going on with your mom? Are you at liberty to talk about it yet? talk to you soon.
