Tuesday, July 21, 2009

School stress.

Well, I am nervously awaiting the start of Samuel and Michael's 2009/10 school year next month. I still have no clue what I am gonna do for tuition. I just have to believe that it will work out, I know God put them in that school for a reason.

I haven't talked with the boys about this yet, no need to worry them yet. They are great kids, and they don't deserve to have their world's flipped upside anymore. They both feel so unstable as it is, I am trying to keep everything normal in their lives. This single mom stuff is hard, and VERY stressful.

Samuel and Michael already have their school supplies list, and they are buying one item each time we go grocery shopping. They are trying so hard to keep the supplies cheap, if they only knew that school supplies is the least of our worries.

On another note...the boys are at VBS again tonight. This is the 3rd VBS for Samuel and the 4th for Michael. I am so thankful for summer VBS, it has been wonderful for my boys this year. They are learning so much, they are memorizing so much of the Bible, and they truly care about new converts. :-) I am so happy that they are there...even if it mean that I have to drive them to and fro every single night. I would do this everyday of their life if I thought it was what they needed.


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