Friday, July 24, 2009

I'll miss you sweet girl.

In January, my mom let a stray, pregnant cat stay in her garage. It is bitter cold in the winter in Northeast place for a mom to give birth. On February 24th she gave birth to 6 kittens in the warmth of my mom's garage that was covered in blankets and space heaters.

The kitten were getting older everyday, and we were worried about finding homes for them. We don't trust ANYONE with animals.

As it turned to Spring, and then Summer, the garage was getting unbearable. My mom needed to so something quickly. She could not let them in her house because she has some aggressive dogs.

After Justin left me, I decided that I would let the crew stay here. My mom agreed to continue buying all of their food and litter. You will never understand Momma's relief when she and her kittens had a nice home to stay in. I fell in love with them all quickly. But Momma was always special, she was a stray, and had lived a life that those kittens would never see.

As I got to know her I noticed that things weren't right. She was pulling hair out, groaning in pain, had trouble getting comfortable, and started losing weight rapidly. I am almost positive she had feline leukemia...we lost a cat to that when I was 12 and she suffered from the same symptoms. Momma was also turning yellow, so I think her liver was failing too. :-( It killed me, I knew I was gonna have to let her go, and I didn't think it was fair that she didn't get more time with me. :-(

This afternoon at 2pm we took her into the vet and had her euthanized. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Letting go of an animal NEVER gets easier! I miss her so much, I just hope that she is happy and pain free now.

Here are some of her moments during the short time we had her...


1 comment:

  1. Oh, Hollie. I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is.

    Not to be captain bringdown or anything but if she was FeLV+, there is a pretty decent chance the kittens could be also. You may want to have them tested @ 6 mos.
