Sunday, May 17, 2009

2 more weeks of school!

I am so excited that the boys only have 2 weeks of school left, and so are they.

Samuel is stressing like I was stressing at the end of my semester....he feels like he won't every finish it all. I keep reminding him that it is only nine days of school left and two of those are field trips and one is field day...and the last day is early release! So really that is only like five days of school! :-)

Michael doesn't seem worried about anything, he will be sad to see school end. His teacher has a gazillion hands on science projects planned....Mikey is pumped about that!!

Both boys are counting the days until we go to King's Island, and so I am for that matter. I cannot wait! They both talk about all the things they want to ride, so be watching for those pics during the first week in June.

As far as I go...

I still take things one day at time...with each passing day it gets a little easier. I'm still trying to figure out the last ten years, even though I know I can't. I have been tremendously blessed with an amazing support team...I am, so thankful for them every day. God has always been good to me, no matter what. I'm still working on returning all of the phone calls...but I don't like to repeat the story , so it is easier to just not call anyone back. I am sorry for that. And, I will eventually call everyone back. I appreciate everyone's concern.

Other than that...I had some good news today. I got to see my brother after three years. It was nice, and he took us to lunch. :-) The kids were so excited to see him, especially Samuel. They kept following him around bugging him with computer, music, chess questions. He also wrestled with them in the yard for about an hour...he showed Samuel up. Samuel had a ball, he loves to wrestle. Michael loved showing off his chess skills...even though he was nonverbal about it...he didn't talk much the entire time. But, that's Michael! And we all embarrassed ourselves playing PIG...a game that we do not need to play again. Haha. :-)

Okay, I need to lay down, I am so sleepy. I have a long day tomorrow. But the countdown until school is over is officially on...

11 days and counting!



  1. yay! for school being over!

    no more classes no more books... haha.

  2. Well I can actually say that I do understand, Me and Jim split up Friday night. I'm not blogging about it because Im not ready for the world to know yet but I just thought I woul dlet you know since you are going through kinda the same thing.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that Amy. Have you guys made any plans about money and kids? I know this is the worst thing ever. I am sorry. :-(

  4. We are meeting tonight, But I did get my old job back, cleaning houses so hopefully I can keep the house.
