Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trying to understand.

I wanted a deeper look into marriage. So I have been reading nonstop, praying nonstop, and continuously watching Fireproof.

I realize that this is not my fault at all. A marriage is only as strong as it's weakest link. Everyone wants to stick it out for the tough times, but no one wants to be there when things get good. No marriage is perfect (although I thought mine was)...and both people have annoying habits. But strong couples, with true love for one another, can survive anything.

I know, my marriage is headed for divorce. Quickly. I can't stop it, I can only learn from it for future relationships. No, I'm not looking to get remarried for a very long time, if ever. But I am trying to learn something from this anyhow.

The reason for this blog is mostly because that stupid Fireproof movie won't get out of my head. I wanted to share some quotes from it...and I highly suggest all married couples see it, even if there are NO problems at all. I thought there were no problems with us, so you never know. It is good to keep your relationship strong anyway....

**Caleb who is fighting for his marriage, wails, "How am I supposed to show love for somebody who over and over and over constantly rejects me?" As the camera swings around to include a crude wooden cross in the frame, John quietly responds, "That's a good question."**

(Wow, how true. Jesus loved us with all of our problems, enough to die for us. There is no greater love. If He could love us like that, then we should be able to love our spouses.)

“You can’t just follow your heart. Your heart can be deceived. You have to lead your heart.”

(This is referring to anything that tears up marriage, like infidelity, pornography, gambling, etc... Your heart my want to cheat...but you have to lead it, not let it lead you.)

"Fireproof doesn't mean that a fire will never come, but that when it comes, you'll be able to withstand it."

Okay, I will shut up now. I was so so moved by all of this. I was blessed to have ten years of marriage, not everyone has that. I would have loved fifty, but I am grateful for what God gave me.


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