Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Back to school.

Today was the first day I could actually go back to school. It was rough, but I made it. I only have to go to one more class and all other assignments can be emailed in. I have amazing professors that have been so helpful. makes me realize how lucky I really am.

Now I am trying to get everything done with my life. I am hoping that I can file a dissolution, but I am not sure. I am waiting on my papers, legal aid should be mailing them today. I know everyone's opinion about dissolution's, but if I can get it done that way I will be happier. I realize that everyone thinks I am naive for thinking that this will work. But ultimately, it is in God's hands, and if He wants me to have a dissolution, He will grant it.

As far as Public Assistance goes things aren't looking good. I did get food stamps, and cash assistance....and I have to wait on SSI for forever. Arg. My mom is still working on housing options. I am so grateful for the help. But, Section 8 isn't gonna work out right now. The wait list is closed. Arg again! I know that God will provide a way for me, He always has.

I am starting to feel stronger, I still cry, but not as much. Only when certain things set me off, and it seems like after ten years everything sets me off. But I swear, I am doing better. I am gonna try to go to a divorce support group, or therapy. I am waiting on God to show me which route to take.

My boys started counseling today, I truly hope it helps. The are on a roller coaster of emotions right now...they go from manic to sad to mad...crazy. But all in all, they are doing better too. Samuel is handling it MUCH better. Michael, well, he's hurt, and he still cries a lot. But believe me, not as much as he did in the beginning. They say things that only kids could think of. I love them with all of my heart...I love them for being the great kids that they are....I love them for leaning on God during all of this.

Psalm 30:5b "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."


1 comment:

  1. Hollie, I wish you strength and continued courage through this time.

    if you need to vent, or cry, or cuss and scream and call names, don't hesitate to contact me.

