Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Church was good.

Well, it's that means church. The kids had Children's Church, and I had the Women's Bible Study.

Why am I blogging about this you ask? Lemme tell you...

The pastors wife is our teacher...and she said something that moved me. We were learning about becoming a Christian mentor, and she said...

You can't help other women through their trials until you have lived through them. God has a purpose for everything, His plan is perfect. Even if we feel like everything in our life is wrong, God will see us through it. And in the end, we will be stronger, and able to mentor other women in need.

WOW! I know, it sounds like she was talking straight to me. She doesn't even really know my situation, I haven't gone in to detail with her. But this lesson really hit me hard, and I thought it would be a waste of my time tonight.

I always get depressed when I have to go sit in church alone, and watch all the happy married couples make jokes about how horrible married life is. They don't know how blessed they are. But then I get a lesson like this, and I know that I can survive this.

God continues to show me how to heal, and He helps me to stay out of the depression....but I keep letting myself fall back into the nonstop crying and reminiscing. This is not what my attitude should be. I need to learn to be thankful for what I have...after all, Job lost everything and continued to praise God.


1 comment:

  1. i just wanted to tell you that you are wonderful and strong and you are going to truely bless someone in need one day. Someone who will be going through something similar, maybe someone who hasn't found God yet and through will lead them to Him. =)
