Sunday, June 28, 2009

Flirting with Forty

No, no....I am flirting w/ thirty...not forty. :-)

But, I am watching the movie FLIRTING WITH FORTY. Really wish I hadn't started it. I had no clue what it was about, but I was upset five minutes into it.

The mom character was setting up Christmas decorations with her kids. The kids kept hitting each other and yelling at one another to quit talking about dad. Dad had left. The mom starts to put the tree into one of those old red and green Christmas tree holders. You know the ones. The kids start talking about dad and his girlfriends super cool Christmas tree holder, it is new and fancy. The mom looks up at the kids and says, "We are trading this one in just because it is old." Ouch.

Yep, that was when I knew this movie was not for me. But I watched for a few more minutes and then something happened that made me turn it off...

The mom loaded up her kids on Christmas day and took them to their dads house. Then she went back into the empty house, alone, on Christmas day.

That was it...I can't watch that.




  1. He Said She Said
    (a.k.a. Ode To A Loser)

    She says: Will you help the kids with their school project?
    She means: The kids love it when you spend time with them with these things and you’re really very good at it because you have a real talent for coming up with awesome ideas.
    He says: Sure honey.
    He means: I can’t believe I’m having to do this again when I’m so tired and have to work all day. Why can’t she ever do this stuff with them? Why is it always me?

    She says: I think we need to have Bible Study tonight.
    She means: The kid’s spiritual growth is the single most important thing we, as parents, can guide them in and I hope you, as husband and leader of this family, will take the initiative here and set aside a regular time each night for this.
    He says: Okay, what time do you want to do it?
    He means: Just once I’d like to be able to just sit down and watch tv and relax.
    She says: I have to get this paper done for class, so could I have some time to finish it?
    She means: Please keep the noise down to a low roar and keep the kids from bothering me with every little problem so I can meet the deadline, and I’ll do the same for you when you have a paper to do.
    He says: Okay. I’ll just go get directions to the Zoo on the computer in the meantime.
    He means: YES!! She’ll be busy for awhile so I can go talk to my girlfriend online for awhile!


  2. She says: My head is killing me. I think we have been doing too much today and I need to lie down so it doesn’t end up sending me to the hospital. Can you keep the kid’s quiet for me?
    She means: I know I can count on you to help because you’ve always been there for me through all of my medical problems.
    He says: Oh baby, you go lie down and I’ll take care of everything. Is there anything I can get for you?
    He means: She’s ALWAYS sick and I’m ALWAYS having to take care of her. I’m tired of her always depending on me for everything. She’s choking the life out of me. When do I ever get to be sick?

    She says: Please go to the doctor because you’ve been complaining about pains in your chest and I’m really worried about you. I’ll make the appointment.

    She means: I love you more than anything in the world and I couldn’t handle it if something ever happened to you.
    He says: Okay.
    He means: Poor me.

    She says: Are you cheating on me?
    She means: There are lots of slutty girls where you work who wouldn’t think twice about breaking up a family, and sometimes you seem so distant.
    He says: I get SO tired of you thinking that I’m cheating when I do everything for you. How could you think that? How?
    He means: If I throw up a big enough smoke screen she’ll never know I’m cheating.

    She says: Do you think we should adopt a child?
    She means: We love each other so much. Our marriage is strong, our family is happy and we have a lot of love to offer another child.
    He says: Yes! Yes! Yes! We’ll take all the classes and change everything in our house to accommodate three kids instead of two. I get to work right away.
    He means: Don’t I have enough problems? It’s hard enough with two kids and a sick wife. I already have the weight of the world on my shoulders and now she wants to bring another kid in? More time, more money, more aggravation. Oh well, what can I do? I’m stuck in this relationship. Guess I can always change my mind at the last minute if I can get the courage to get out.

    She says: Honey, I love you.
    She means: Honey, I love you.
    He says: I love you too.
    He means: Until something better comes along.

  3. how funny it this
