Tuesday, June 16, 2009

STRESS is killing me!

This morning I woke up in a WONDERFUL mood. I went to look at a house with a friend, we actually walked there, it was only one street down from me. What a beautiful morning we had.

After that we went home and printed off our free bowling coupons, hoping to have some indoor, air-conditioned fun. (CLICK HERE to sign up your kids for free bowling.) And we did. The boys had a ball, and Samuel bowled his all time high...130! Yay!

Then we went to get a $5.00 pizza at Little Caesars and headed to the park to play. We ate...but didn't stay long to play...it was crazy hot outside. The kids had a little bit of fun out there, but you can only have so much fun in that kind of heat.

After that I headed home. I had to check my emails, do my bills, housework, etc. Well...I was doing all of that and I just lost my mind crying. I am not sure if it was the normalcy of the day and then coming home to work out finances alone that set me off or what...but it was crazy. It was all downhill from there.

I ended up finishing my to-do list. But it was not easy. However, that did alleviate some of the stress- so that's good I suppose. I am terrified about going to bed tonight though, I can't handle another sleepless night. I need a "stop being emotional NOW" remedy, any suggestions?? I need to sleep peacefully, not feel lonely, and keep my mind from wandering.

I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the boys today. They had a good "therapy" day, both did some crying and expressing their feelings. They both also told me a lot of their thoughts on this entire situation...which is hard to hear, but good for them to say it out loud.

Okay, that's all folks.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I don't have any great suggestions but have you tried Rescue Remedy? It's Bach Flower essences. I know lots of folks use them for their dogs and I've used it for my attack cat BUT it's actually made for people! I've taken it to help calm myself down.

    Anyway, I'm sending all the calming thoughts I can.
