Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Relay for Life

Hello friends.

Okay, most of you know that I have had cancer...a lot of cancer...currently active cancer. This is my fourth time fighting it. It has become such an everyday part of my life. My fight has made me a stronger person, more grateful for every breath that I take.

My boys deal with the cancer in their own ways. Samuel internalizes it a lot, but I FREQUENTLY create conversations to help him deal. Michael has decided to throw himself into Relay for Life, and if that helps him- GREAT! I am all for healing, and whatever helps, roll with it. :-)

So that brings me to the candy cars! Michael will be selling candy bars at the Brimfield Wal-Mart this Saturday....try to stop by and get a few! And if you can't make, you can always donate....


Hope to you there on Saturday!!


1 comment:

  1. HI! Visiting from SITS! I am following and will continue to check in. It's hard to know what to say to someone with cancer. Of course, I will pray for you is the usual one - and i will. But I wish I could say something else that would be the "right" thing to say. I know from what you write that you are a fighter, so i will pray that you will continue bravely with this fight!
