Thursday, June 11, 2009

The note.

I was cleaning up Facebook and I came across this. I couldn't delete it, it broke my heart. I wrote this "note" EXACTLY one month before Justin left. When I was crazy about him and I thought he was crazy about me...


Justin + Hollie = ♥
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at 8:12pm | Edit Note | Delete

Couples Only!

How long have you been together?
10 years 5 months married for 9 years 10 months

What was the first thing you noticed about your spouse when you met?
his height

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
haha, we met online only a few months prior

How old were you when you met?
sweet 16

How long did you date before you got engaged?
uh, long story. we were together for from dec. '98 until feb. '99 when he proposed

How long until you got married after you got engaged?
4 months

How old are each of you now?
j 29 h 28- we are 6 months apart

How tall are each of you?
j 6'4 h 5'7

What are your middle names?
rebekah and michael

Whose siblings do/did you see the most
just jared- justin's brother

Do you have any children together?
yep :)

What about pets?
we do, we have 4 dogs, 1 piggie, lizards and frogs, and 2 new kitties

Did you go to the same school?
nope :(

Who is the smartest? far ;)

Who is the most sensitive?
me :)

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
missouri from ohio, or ohio from florida, not sure

Who has the worst temper?
me...and's a tie

Who does the cooking?

Who is more social?
he is....he is so gay.

Who is the neat-freak?
neither, we like our house clean, but we aren't crazy, we'd rather be having fun

Who hogs the bed?
me....i wish he would just get his own bed

Who wakes up earlier?
he is up and gone before any of us get up...his choice!

Who has the bigger family?
he does- kinda- i dunno, it might be close actually

How do you spend the holidays?
at home, our home

Who is more jealous?
ooohh....uh...we can be equal in this department

Do you have little pet names for each other?
not really

How long did it take to get serious?
not long!

What do you love most about your spouse?
everything....but mostly his hot naked body. i'm totally kidding peoples, he is gonna read this and die of embarrassment!

Who eats more?
he does, unless i am pms-ing

Who sings better?
haha, i am tone deaf...he sings great, bass. i love hearing him sing

Who’s older?
he is by six months

Who does the dishes?
80% of the time i do

Who snores?
HE DOES! ARG! he has been slapped in the face a few times when he is sleeping so heavy and i lose my patience.

Who’s better with the computer?
he is, he built my computer for me :)

Who drives when you are together?
he does

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
hmmm...neither of us ever thinks we are wrong.

Who kissed who first?
he finallyyyy kissed me took forever

Who is the more affectionate one?
he is, i think

Who deals with the money?
i do

Who has more tattoos?
we each have one...they match

Who is more accident-prone?
i'll admit it, i am!

Who eats more sweets?
me, i'm a girl

What do you like to do most as a couple?
we like to everything together, we both complain if one has to be gone from the other

How do you spend your downtime together? watching movies or playing scrabble

Are you two still a couple?
of course silly....i am crazy about this one.


I know what you are thinking, how could she have not known? But I didn't, and this proves it. I was in the best time of my life, or so I thought. That pic was taken that day, so it shows you that everything seemed fine. I actually chose that pic for that survey because I thought it was perfect, it showed our undying love. I can't believe one moth after that I was posting a "note" explaining that I came home to a note on the door and everything gone. Crazy how fast life moves.


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