Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God's Miracles

Church was really great tonight. Our study was on prayer, and it was very insightful. I was originally gonna come home and blog about what I had learned...but my mind started going and I decided to go another route with this blog. :-)

I am so grateful for everything God has given me. I am most grateful for the things that He has allowed me to see in my life...

I have witnessed the miracle of prayer. I watched Samuel pray and God answer it immediately. It was a hot summer day, it hadn't rained in weeks. Samuel had never seen a rainbow, and he wanted to witness the symbol of God's promise to us. So he prayed. We went outside with the dogs about an hour later and there was a rainbow. It was amazing. Of course, I have see God answer my prayers MANY time, but it is special watching a child ask God for something and receiving an answer immediately. How could you not believe in prayer?

I have sat inside a car and watched a rain cloud pass over me. I saw rain on the hood, but not on the trunk. Slowly, the cloud passed over and there was rain covering us. It was so amazing to see that.

I have watched a newborn pup come out of it's mother and lay limp, not breathing. I have breathed my breath into that pup and watched it come back to life. The adrenaline that overcomes you when you are trying to save an animal is unreal.

I have been out in the ocean, in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, with no land in sight. I have jumped into the crystal clear water and watched the dolphins swim around me.

I could go on for days about all the life experiences that I have had. I am so blessed to have seen and done all the things that I have. God's world is amazing, and wonderful, and breath taking...if you ever take the time to truly enjoy all that He has given us.


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