Sunday, June 28, 2009


Samuel came home today...yay...I was so excited to see him. :-) But, he was sick. :-(

I waited and waited to see if he was gonna be okay until I could call his doc in the morning, but that was a big fat NO! Grr.

He came home really whining about his throat. But I wasn't convinced it was strep until he started to get the rash on his face, and he got sick to his stomach. I KNEW it was Strep then.

My water line thingy was broken in the house. The kids could not even get showers. So, Justin fixed it when he got back from fishing with the kiddos. But, Samuel said he couldn't wait until he was done to go the ER, he was in too much pain. I called my mom and asked her to take him until Justin was through here, then I would meet her.

I am glad she went...he continually got worse. Thanks mom and Steve for helping me out! This single parenting is harder than I thought. I love you both.

Back to my story...

As soon as Justin finished I raced to the ER. The minute I walked into the room the doc came in and told me he had Strep. She put him on 875mg of Amox 2 times per day. That is A LOT of meds, but with Strep effecting the heart, can't be too safe with this little one.

The doc also told me to pump the Tylenol and Advil for pain. Wow, that has helped a bunch. He can even drink more when the Tylenol kicks in.

Okay...I have stuff I gotta get done so I can get some sleep tonight. I am so tired, so exhausted, so sore. I feel like I am never gonna catch up. So overwhelmed. However, I am not gonna let the stress get to me...and I am not gonna cry tonight!

(yeah right)



  1. Hang in there Hollie, I know how hard it can be with sick little ones. We will be praying for you and the boys and that Samuel doesnt share! Last April, I had Strep (I got it from working at a preschool) and Talon broke his foot the same day and when he went to the check up for his foot, Kevin had the doc swab both boys and they both tested positive for it. Kiah came home from school later that same day complaining about her throat. We were a sorry bunch that week! I am always amazed by your strength. Hang in there sweetie!

  2. ugh Hollie. I am sooo sorry. Strep is uber lame. I get it if I think about it too long.

    Funny story: My first year out here at UCI I got strep. So I went to the dr and got some abx. I took one of the abx and left the the bottle out.

    LT found the bottle and ATE all of them. ALL of them. $400, some charcoal-y poo, and she was fine. I took the bottle to the pharmacist and explained what happened and that I needed a refill. He laughed but gave me more.

    This is why puppies should be supervised at all times, lol!
