Sunday, June 7, 2009

Words of Wisdom

This is copied and pasted (from a favorite site of mine), and it helped I know it will help others. I am just passing on the info, trying to help women in need...


Words of Wisdom

Your revenge is living the best of lives. And please DO NOT FEEL SORRY for YOURSELF. GET A LIFE!

Take the high road. It makes everything simpler.

Try not to sink into despair, but work towards making a better life for yourself. Try to believe in light and love instead of becoming bitter—this is the most important one.

Every breath you take, congratulate yourself for. No death ever hurt so much as losing your lifelong love AND his love for you, all at the same unexpected instant. Every bad day, every bad minute, tell yourself your job is just to get through that moment, and you will have a better one later. When the grief hits like a truck, remind yourself that it comes in waves and that this wave will last about an hour or two and then there will be another reprieve before the next one hits.

It is a horrible, dark and scary tunnel but go through the tunnel, feel it all fully and totally. There is light at the end. I promise. Meet your new, emerging self out as you go. You will be amazed at what you will become. Be extra kind and loving and generous to your self.

If you have children, wrap them up in your love. Be strong for them but also let them be strong for you. You will all benefit. I am now known as the She-Bear to my kids, their protector and nurturer (thus my tattoo!). They make me stronger.

Take time for yourself and when your friends try to set you up with a “great guy” don’t do it. Take your time. Be happy alone before you worry about adding a new relationship to your life.

Allow yourself to grieve.


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