Sunday, June 21, 2009

Relay was amazing.


After only spending one hour at Relay last year, I really didn't know what to expect this year. I am pleased to say that I had a lot of fun. We didn't get home until 1am, but it was totally worth it.

It started off hot...very hot. Justin brought Michael and spent a few hours up there with him. Michael was excited, he really wanted to show off his accomplishments. Michael takes Relay VERY VERY seriously, he truly believes he is helping to find a cure for me. I love that he is so into it. :-) Michael walked Justin around and showed him stuff. They had fun.

I ate at the survivors lunch with my friend Pam. It was a really nice lunch. After that I walked the survivors lap with Pam and Patty's mom. It was quite an emotional walk, but fun. This is a pic of me and Mikey right after the survivor lap....

After that we just walked around and played games. It was so much fun. Here are just a few of those pics, most are on Facebook...

After all of that we went and sat for luminary service. Let me first just say how beautiful it was....truly an amazing sight.

I was sitting in the bleachers with Michael. I really enjoyed my time with him. BUT, everyone had their caregivers with them. I didn't, so I felt awkward. However, I was there for Michael, so I tried not to dwell on it.

My friend Dawn started the evening with her speech. Her voice began cracking and I knew I was gonna lose it. I remained strong until she said...

I married my wonderful husband. And I had never really thought about, 'In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, til death do us part.'

Sitting there...with no caregiver, no husband, and dealing with active cancer...I lost it. I mean LOST it. She went on to talk about cancer and the ups and downs. Then another friend spoke about hard the journey is, and how amazing the payoff is for the caregivers in the long run. Tears were flowing.

Then they played a song as we sat in a dark field lit by only candles with names of survivors or those who lost their battle with cancer. I didn't know the song but it had a line like this...

I will remember you, will you remember me?

Oh my goodness....I was really struggling to get it together at this point. I was crying about my health, my family situation, feeling lonely. It was crazy hard for me to deal with.


The name all of the survivors and those who are gone....followed by Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.

You cannot possible imagine the emotion that there was there. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I think it was this hard because of my current circumstances. But, at the end of the day, I'd do it again for Michael.

I am so glad I got the experience, it was so worth ever tear. Looking at all of the other people going through hardships, and just trying to live a cancer free life, is a powerful thing.

I was surrounded by friends all night that were so very supportive. They were there for me when I was happy and playing games....they were there when I was crying. They knew what to say, and how to help me get better. You cannot understand how special friendships like that are to me. :-)

Thanks everyone for a wonderful day, an amazing experience, and lifetime of memories.


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