Sunday, June 14, 2009

A New Crisis of Infidelity

I was reading some literature online and came across this. I had NO IDEA that this was such an issue in America that there are published articles on it. It astounds me. I feel like I have been living in a bubble. I read for hours about the things that go wrong in marriages and it shocks me. Okay, enough rambling, here is the article.....


The Internet: A New Crisis of Infidelity
Don't Become Another Divorce Statistic!
You can save your relationship. Learn how!

With the current quick advance in the field of technology, the internet is playing a bigger role in our daily lives every day. Many experts are nowadays saying that with the possibilities given by the internet, a new type of infidelity is appearing: people who have not previously though of extramarital affairs are slowly slipping from platonic cyber relationships to romantic ones.

To the people who cannot work on their unsatisfying relationships or who do not believe in divorce, “virtual infidelity” is becoming the trend and the solution. Through the internet, they are given an access to sex and/ or companionship. Moreover, the internet is nearly perfect for a secret affair. What those people do not notice is that once internet infidelity starts, real, physical infidelity gets very close.

If you are questioning whether you are on the borders of “cyber-infidelity” or not, check for the following signs:

1) The online relationship has more emotional intimacy than your marriage
2) You are employing secrecy and deception
3) There is sexual chemistry with your internet partner.

To put it in a nutshell, cyber-infidelity means using the internet to break all your marriage vows, violating your previous promises to your spouse, one of which is sexual exclusivity.


This is one of the websites (click here) that I was visiting. Lots of good information if you are worried about infidelity. I know that a lot of my friends have told e their secrets now that they know mine, so I know I have at least three friends with rocky marriages. Maybe the information found on that site, or one of the many others, can help you. I hope so. Marriage is sacred, and I pray (really, not just saying it) that all of my friends can have successful, long, happy marriages.

Love you all.


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