Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Momma is feeling sick. :-(

I am not sure what is going on, but I feel really run down. I am 99% sure that I am severely anemic. I know I am anemic, the doc tells me every time I am in the office. But it is just mild anemia. However, since I lost all that weight, and still struggle with eating, I have been feeling worse. I am suffering from a lot of the classic symptoms of severe anemia. The last time it was this bad was when I was preggers with Michael.

So, today I started taking Iron pills, B12 pills, and the multivitamin. I at a few chips with the pills....BUT OH MY hurt my stomach SOOOO bad. :-( I will spread out the pills tomorrow. Hopefully this will help.

Some of the symptoms are really dragging me down...and momma needs to be strong for the kiddos 100% of the time. I will keep you updated on how it works. :)

Sorry I can't blog more tonight, I am beat. I was literally gone all day. I had lawyer, viola lessons, grocery store, pharmacy, etc... I need some down time. All my momma's out there understand where I am coming from.



  1. Take care of yourself, girl. Hope you feel better, soon.

  2. Hollie, Please SLOW down a little. You body is responding to everything that you are going through. Feel better soon.I am praying for you.
